
Spooky, Snowy Stowe

Stowe has gone from Fire on the Mountain to Snow on the Mountain in pretty short order, folks. Wednesday morning found enough snowfall on Mt Mansfield to whet the appetite of winter sports buffs. Skiing/riding at Stowe Mountain Resort opens in just a few short weeks, on November 22nd. Starting November 1st, snowmaking will begin, adding to Mother Nature's lode. But the stuff--known as White Gold around these parts--has begun its descent. Last winter was epic in the amount of snowiness, and winter sports boomed. Snowshoers plodded happily along, dogsledders mushed at a rapid clip, snowmachines roared through the glades, skiers-- both Nordic and Alpine--swooshed. I think we deserve two great snow years in a row...we begin praying right about.....now.

However, should you have a hankering for fall color, it can still be found..but hurry. Some color is apparent in the hollows deep in the forest, and some on the hillsides. But officially, we're in Stick Season. Soon those sticks will be frosty and white, but for now they're rightfully recovering from their summer and fall glory. Well done, leaves!

Hallowe'en is what we're focusing on now. Stowe can be a pretty spooky place, if you look in the right places! We've got Emily's Haunted Bridge, Stowe at Night Lantern Tours, and a steady stream of wee characters roaming the streets in search of sugar-laden treats. Actually, Hallowe'en is a pretty cool day for kids. It starts with the Stowe Elementary School Ghost Parade on Main Street in Stowe Village. (FYI: the guy with the pumpkin on his head is Mr. Smiles, the principal...yes, our principal's name is Smiles, and he wears a pumpkin on his head every year). Our offices at the Stowe Visitor Info Center are right in the line of fire, so we load up on candy and put ourselves at the mercy of passing ghouls, goblins, skeletons, and more topical and timely costumed characters (let's bet on how many Sarah Palin/Tina Feys we see this year! Do I hear Heath Ledger/Joker?) We're alerted to the impending invasion by the sounds of the local radio station, WDEV-AM playing "Monster Mash", which resonates as a music worm in my head for many hours. Then kids go home and rest up for the Big Event: Trick or Treating on Main Street and the big party at the elementary school, all in the village.

Many years ago the idea was hatched that in order to have a safe place for sugar-solicitation, the cops would block off Main Street, the Boy Scouts would ask for candy donations and the candy would be distributed to the households that would be descended upon for trick or treat. From 4:30 to 6pm the elementary school Parent Teachers Organization hold the perfect Hallowe'en party. With games, food and free Glo Stick Necklaces from the Stowe PD, you can't go wrong. Having nurtured a Shy Little Kitten, a Killer Whale (I was up all night for that one), Calvin (w/ Hobbs), Waldo (as in "Where's ...?" --my total favorite) and countless others, I have a pretty good idea of how special Hallowe'en can be in Stowe.

Kids are ready to hit the hay by 7pm. Bring in the babysitter and Hallowe'en-oephile grownups can don their costumes and head out to revel the night away. It's a FRIDAY!